-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- an email directly from my SPARCstation 1+ under SUN/OS 4.1.3 and OpenWin V 3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sehr geehrte Mathematica-Benutzer, Stuttgart, den 5. Mai 1997 bei Mathematica 3.0 lassen sich auf "deutschen" Tastaturen die fuer Mathematica typischen Klammern nicht direkt eingeben. Zwei moegliche Work-Arounds erwaehnt die folgende Email des UK Supports von Wolfram Research . Mit freundlichen Gruessen Gunter Woysch File : mail_97/dmug_970505_email_to -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. G. Woysch, Alcatel Telecom , ASIC Technology and Qualification Alcatel SEL AG , Dept. ZFZ/WH, D 70430 Stuttgart, Germany Phone +49 711 821-32176 Fax +49 711 821-32455 email gwoysch@XXXXXXX.de -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- Begin Included Message ----- >From aland@XXXXXXX.uk Thu May 1 16:32:44 1997 Subject: Brackets problems with Mathematica 3.0 To: gwoysch@XXXXXXX.de Date: Thu, 1 May 1997 15:21:26 +0100 (MET DST) From: support@XXXXXXX.uk (Technical Support) Organization: Wolfram Research Europe Ltd. Reply-To: support@XXXXXXX.uk (Technical Support) X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL24] Content-Type: text Content-Length: 656 Hello, Our Customer Service department forwarded a message to me about your problems with Mathematica 3.0 and entering brackets. You explained that you current workaround was to use a palette to enter bracket characters. Admittedly, this can be quite cumbersome. We've recently discovered a possible workaround that allows you to set a combination of Mod_2 and another character to generate the brackets. The details are at out website. http://www.wolfram.com/support/Systems/Unix/FE/NoBrackets.html Please let me know if you have any further troubles. Sincerely, Alan DeGuzman Technical Support Wolfram Research Europe Ltd. support@XXXXXXX.uk ----- End Included Message ----- |