Liebe DMUG-Kollegen, Ich teste gerade folgendes neues Produkt: New: Conix 3D Explorer -Extend Mathematica's graphics capabilities -Utilize OpenGL rendering -Manipulate graphics in real time -Apply smooth shading, texture mapping, and more <http://store.wolfram.com/view/3dexplorer/> Es wuerde mich interessieren ob jemand besonders gute oder schlechte Erfahrungen damit gemacht hat? Herzliche Gruesse, Franz Szabo ============================================ F R A N Z G. S Z A B O Web-Designer Computer Mathematician Digital Artist, Pipe Sculptor Computer and Science Journalist Internet Editor of Wiener Journal Member of Presseclub Concordia Vienna Member of the New York Academy of Sciences Biographee of Marquis Who's Who in the World Homepages at: http://www.wienerjournal.at/SZABO.HTM http://www.concordia.at/concordia/szabo.html ============================================ |