Die folgende Meldung wurde von Erk Jensen <Erk.Jensen@XXXXXXX.ch> an DMUG geleitet: Joachim Tuckmantel wrote: > > Please forward this message to (possible) users of Mathematica on Macintosh: > > I have done a Y2K check of my computer in changing and letting the clock > run into the year 2000. 'In the future' I have run my favorite software > (all o.k), but Mathematica 3.0 claimed an expired license, fine. > However, coming 'back from the future', Mathematica still refuses to work > (expired license) and even after removing the whole Mathematica package > including preferences, caches, ..., deleting all files created 1/1/2000 by > any tested program and reinstallation of a virgnal version from the server, > the problem persists. > [...] For the time being, > be advised to avoid this check if you still intend to use Mathematica 3.0 > Regards Joachim Tuckmantel, SL Das Problem wurde inzwischen von Wolfram Research diagnostiziert und gelöst: > Setting the system clock to a future date has corrupted your timestamp. > Only time expiring passwords will be effected and only if you run > Mathematica while the clock is set forward. Wer versehentlich davon betroffen wird, kann sich an Technical Support <support@XXXXXXX.com> wenden. Ein Hinweis auf [TS 7652] hilft, die Antwort zu beschleunigen. Roman Mäder |