Hiermit moechte Sie
das WIAS Berlin (http://www.wias-berlin.de) und mathemas ordinate
im Rahmen des regelmaessig stattfindenden "Mathematica-Tages" einladen zu
einem Vortrag von
Dr. Michael Trott
Wolfram Research Inc.
Mathematica Entwickler und Chefentwickler der
Wolfram Funktionen Webseiten http://functions.wolfram.com
Wir bitten um Anmeldung (per email an carsten@XXXXXXX.de) , da die Anzahl
der Sitzplaetze begrenzt ist !
Zeit: Donnerstag , 19.5.2005, 14.00 Uhr
Ort: WIAS Berlin (wird jedem Teilnehmer noch genauer bekannt gegeben)
Vortrag (in deutscher Sprache)
Using Mathematica to Solve Physics Problems
Many modern physics problems can be reduced to carrying out calculations,
both numerical and symbolical ones.
Over the last 16 years, Mathematica has acquired a large body of
algorithmic, numeric, symbolic, and special function "knowledge".
With a proper approach, Mathematica can be used very successfully to solve a
large variety of research-level physics problems, including larger numerical
ones that only a few years ago were only solvable on large supercomputers.
A selection of examples, how to approach them within Mathematica,
and how a Mathematica approach is different from a classical "paper and
pencil" or procedural programming approach are outlined and discussed.
mathemas ordinate, Dipl. Math. Carsten Herrmann, M.Sc.
__*__ Koenigsbergerstr. 97 in 24161 Altenholz
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