Hello Stephan,
this still loads into Mathematica
In[6]:= SetDirectory[FileNameJoin[{NotebookDirectory[], "test", "others"}]]
Out[6]= "N:\\Udo\\Abt_N\\test\\others"
In[7]:= << KnotTheory`
During evaluation of In[7]:= Loading KnotTheory` version of September 6,
2014, 13:37:37.2841.
Read more at http://katlas.org/wiki/KnotTheory.
In[8]:= $Version
Out[8]= "10.4.1 for Microsoft Windows (64-bit) (April 11, 2016)"
I read a bit around on http://katlas.org/wiki/Setup and it says
Precomputed Data
KnotTheory` comes with a certain amount of precomputed data which is
loaded "on demand" just when it is needed. When a precomputed data file is
read by KnotTheory`, a notification message is displayed. To prevent these
messages from appearing execute the command Off[KnotTheory::loading].
Further Data Files
To access the Hoste-Thistlethwaite enumeration of knots with 12 to 16
crossings (see Naming and Enumeration), also download either the file
DTCodes4Knots12To16.tar.gz or the file DTCodes4Knots12To16.zip (about 9MB
each), and unpack either one into the directory KnotTheory/.
seemingly there are data collections with 12 to 16 crossing given. Have
you inspected them,
where did you run into problems, what did you try already?
Have you seen
before running up a steep learning curve for love it would be good to have
a specific point to start with.
Best regards
On Mon, 16 Jul 2018 13:21:33 +0200, Stephan Rosebrock via demug
<demug@XXXXXXX.ch> wrote:
Dear All,
How can I write a Mathematica file which uses the Mathematica package
"knottheory" and creates a list of many (as many as possible) different
non-alternating knots and links (rather minimal knot- and
linkprojections) with at least 12 crossings (better: 16 or 18 crossings
or even more) which satisfy: Each component of a link has as many
positive crossings as negative crossings.
Best regards,
Stephan Rosebrock
Dr. Stephan Rosebrock
Paedagogische Hochschule Karlsruhe
Bismarckstr. 10
76133 Karlsruhe
Deutschland / Germany
e-mail: rosebrock@XXXXXXX.de
Homepage: http://www.rosebrock.ph-karlsruhe.de/
Tel: 0721-925-4275
Fax: 0721-925-4249
DMUG Deutschsprachiges Mathematica-Forum demug@XXXXXXX.ch
Archiv: http://www.mathematica.ch/archiv.html
DMUG Deutschsprachiges Mathematica-Forum demug@XXXXXXX.ch
Archiv: http://www.mathematica.ch/archiv.html