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Liebe Freundinnen und Freunde von Korrekturen,zunächst einmal war die Singularitätskontrolle falsch; nach der Korrektur sieht man Fälle wie den folgenden (die Koordinaten können aus dem File dreikant-outlier.txt ausgelesen werden), bei dem nach Massgabe der aktuellen Oktantenbedingungen kein Polarpunkt existiert (kein-polarpunkt.jpg).
Grüsse Udo. Clear[dreiBein] (* dreiBein gives left-handed triads *) dreiBein[x1_, x2_] := FoldList[Cross, x1, {x2, x1}] Clear[recordOutlier] recordOutlier[l_List] := Block[{fileN = FileNameJoin[{$TemporaryDirectory, "dreikant-outlier.txt"}]}, If[FileExistsQ[fileN], PutAppend[l, fileN], (* else *) Put[l, fileN] ] ] /; Length[l] > 0 Clear[rightHand] rightHand[v1_, v2_, v3_] := Block[{a = VectorAngle[Cross[v1, v2], v3]}, If[a > \[Pi]/2, a = VectorAngle[Cross[v2, v1], v3]; If[a > \[Pi]/2, Print["Numerical complanar. Fail."]; {v1, v2, v3},(* else *) {v2, v1, v3} ], (* else *) {v1, v2, v3} ] ] /; MatrixQ[{v1, v2, v3}] && Length[v1] == 3 Clear[octantControl] octantControl::nedge = "Empty Intersection on edge `1` found."; octantControl::nface = "Empty Intersection on face `1` found."; octantControl::nwtf = "No Empty Intersection found."; octantControl[pep12_Parallelepiped, pep13_Parallelepiped, (* Line[{s, x1}] *) pep21_Parallelepiped, pep23_Parallelepiped, (* Line[{s,x2}] *) pep31_Parallelepiped, pep32_Parallelepiped (* Line[{s,x3}] *)] := Block[{bContinue = True, lfd = 0, res}, While[bContinue, ++lfd; Which[ lfd == 1, (* check the edges: internal error *) res = Check[RegionIntersection[Region[pep12], Region[pep13]], {}, {BoundaryMeshRegion::bsuncl}]; If[res === {} \[Or] res == \!\(\* TagBox[ StyleBox[ RowBox[{"Region", "[", RowBox[{"EmptyRegion", "[", "3", "]"}], "]"}], ShowSpecialCharacters->False, ShowStringCharacters->True, NumberMarks->True], FullForm]\), bContinue = False; Message[octantControl::nedge, 1]; res = {Opacity[0.2], LightGreen, pep12, pep13} ], lfd == 2, res = Check[RegionIntersection[Region[pep21], Region[pep23]], {}, {BoundaryMeshRegion::bsuncl}]; If[res === {} \[Or] res == \!\(\* TagBox[ StyleBox[ RowBox[{"Region", "[", RowBox[{"EmptyRegion", "[", "3", "]"}], "]"}], ShowSpecialCharacters->False, ShowStringCharacters->True, NumberMarks->True], FullForm]\), bContinue = False; Message[octantControl::nedge, 2]; res = {Opacity[0.2], LightGreen, pep21, pep23} ], lfd == 3, res = Check[RegionIntersection[Region[pep31], Region[pep32]], {}, {BoundaryMeshRegion::bsuncl}]; If[res === {} \[Or] res == Region[EmptyRegion[3]], bContinue = False; Message[octantControl::nedge, 3]; res = {Opacity[0.2], LightGreen, pep31, pep32} ], (* check the 4 octants to a face with its two edges *) lfd == 4, res = Check[RegionIntersection[Region[pep12], Region[pep13], Region[pep21], Region[pep23]], {}, {BoundaryMeshRegion::bsuncl}]; If[res === {} \[Or] res == Region[EmptyRegion[3]], bContinue = False; Message[octantControl::nface, 1, 2]; res = {Opacity[0.2], LightGreen, pep12, pep13, pep21, pep23} ], lfd == 5, res = Check[RegionIntersection[Region[pep21], Region[pep23], Region[pep31], Region[pep32]], {}, {BoundaryMeshRegion::bsuncl}]; If[res === {} \[Or] res == Region[EmptyRegion[3]], bContinue = False; Message[octantControl::nface, 2, 3]; res = {Opacity[0.2], LightGreen, pep21, pep23, pep31, pep32} ], lfd == 6, res = Check[RegionIntersection[Region[pep31], Region[pep32], Region[pep12], Region[pep13]], {}, {BoundaryMeshRegion::bsuncl}]; If[res === {} \[Or] res == Region[EmptyRegion[3]], bContinue = False; Message[octantControl::nface, 3, 1]; res = {Opacity[0.2], LightGreen, pep31, pep32, pep12, pep13} ], True, bContinue = False; Message[octantControl::nwtf]; res = {Opacity[0.2], LightGreen, pep12, pep13, pep21, pep23, pep31, pep32} ] ]; res ] Clear[dreiKant] dreiKant[s_, k1_, k2_, k3_, bRegion_: False] := Block[{k1s, k2s, k3s, x1, x2, x3, n1, n2, n3, pep12, pep13, pep21, pep23, pep31, pep32, targetR, targetM, res, t, t3, s1, s2, s3, u1, u2, u3, p, q, g, bCommon}, If[MatrixRank[Subtract[#, s] & /@ {k1, k2, k3}] != 3, Print["Singular. Bye."]; Return[$Failed] ]; {k1s, k2s, k3s} = Normalize /@ rightHand[k1 - s, k2 - s, k3 - s]; (* Die Spitze des Dreikants sei s, der Spitzenpunkt *) {x1, x2, x3} = N[s + #] & /@ {k1s, k2s, k3s}; n1 = Normalize /@ dreiBein[x1 - s, x2 - s]; pep12 = Parallelepiped[s, n1]; pep13 = Parallelepiped[s, Times[{1, -1, 1}, Normalize /@ dreiBein[x1 - s, x3 - s]]]; n2 = Normalize /@ dreiBein[x2 - s, x3 - s]; pep23 = Parallelepiped[s, n2]; pep21 = Parallelepiped[s, Times[{1, -1, 1}, Normalize /@ dreiBein[x2 - s, x1 - s]]]; n3 = Normalize /@ dreiBein[x3 - s, x1 - s]; pep31 = Parallelepiped[s, n3]; pep32 = Parallelepiped[s, Times[{1, -1, 1}, Normalize /@ dreiBein[x3 - s, x2 - s]]]; targetR = RegionIntersection[Region[pep12], Region[pep13], Region[pep21], Region[pep23], Region[pep31], Region[pep32]]; targetM = If[ (* Is the condition too strong? *) Head[targetR[[1]]] === EmptyRegion \[Or] Head[targetR[[1]]] === BooleanRegion, {}, (* else *) If[Head[targetR[[1]]] === Parallelepiped, Check[ ConvexHullMesh[ Plus[targetR[[1, 1]], #] & /@ Join[{{0, 0, 0}}, targetR[[1, 2]]]], {}, {BoundaryMeshRegion::bsuncl} ], (* else *) Check[ ConvexHullMesh[targetR[[1, 1]]], {}, {BoundaryMeshRegion::bsuncl} ] ] ]; res = If[targetM === {}, {}, (* else *) Check[ ConicOptimization[-t, {VectorGreaterEqual[{{s1, s2, t3}, 0}, {"PowerCone", 1/2}], VectorGreaterEqual[{{t3, s3, t}, 0}, {"PowerCone", 2/3}], t3 >= 0, s1 >= 0, s2 >= 0, s3 >= 0, Map[({u1, u2, u3} + # {s1, s2, s3} \[Element] targetM) &, Tuples[{0, 1}, 3]]}, {t, t3, s1, s2, s3, u1, u2, u3}], {}, {ConicOptimization::tcnstr} ] ]; If[res === {}, Print["targetR = ", FullForm[targetR]]; Print["targetM = ", FullForm[targetM]]; recordOutlier[{s, k1, k2, k3}]; (* Graphics to show *) g = {Join[{Blue, Thick , Line[{s, x1}], Line[{s, x2}], Line[{s, x3}]}, octantControl[pep12, pep13, pep21, pep23, pep31, pep32] ], Ticks -> Automatic, Axes -> True, AxesLabel -> {"X", "Y", "Z"} }, (* else *) (* Polarpunkt p *) p = Plus @@ ({{u1, u2, u3}, {s1, s2, s3}/2.} /. res); (* Graphcis to show *) g = If[bRegion, { { {Green, Opacity[0.2], targetM, Yellow, Opacity[0.8], Cuboid[{u1, u2, u3}, {u1 + s1, u2 + s2, u3 + s3}] /. res}, Polygon[{ {s, x1, x1 + n1[[3]], x2}, {s, x2, x2 + n2[[3]], x3}, {s, x3, x3 + n3[[3]], x1}}], {PointSize[0.03], Black, Point[s]}, {PointSize[0.03], Gray, Point[{x1, x2, x3}]}, {PointSize[0.03], Pink, Point[{x1 + n1[[3]], x2 + n2[[3]], x3 + n3[[3]]}]} }, Ticks -> Automatic, Axes -> True, AxesLabel -> {"X", "Y", "Z"} }, (* else *) q = LinearSolve[Transpose[n1], p - s]; {n1[[1]], n1[[3]]} = q[[1 ;; 3 ;; 2]] {n1[[1]], n1[[3]]}; x1 = s + n1[[1]]; q = LinearSolve[Transpose[n2], p - s]; {n2[[1]], n2[[3]]} = q[[1 ;; 3 ;; 2]] {n2[[1]], n2[[3]]}; x2 = s + n2[[1]]; q = LinearSolve[Transpose[n3], p - s]; {n3[[1]], n3[[3]]} = q[[1 ;; 3 ;; 2]] {n3[[1]], n3[[3]]}; x3 = s + n3[[1]]; bCommon = If[Sign[((p - s).n1[[2]])/Norm[p - s]] != Sign[((x3 - s).n1[[2]])/Norm[x3 - s]] || Sign[((p - s).n2[[2]])/Norm[p - s]] != Sign[((x1 - s).n2[[2]])/Norm[x1 - s]] || Sign[((p - s).n3[[2]])/Norm[p - s]] != Sign[((x2 - s).n3[[2]])/Norm[x2 - s]] (* --------- *) || Sign[((x3 + n3[[3]] - s).n1[[2]])/Norm[x3 + n3[[3]] - s]] != Sign[((x3 - s).n1[[2]])/Norm[x3 - s]] || Sign[((x3 + n3[[3]] - s).n2[[2]])/Norm[x3 + n3[[3]] - s]] != Sign[((x1 - s).n2[[2]])/Norm[x1 - s]] (* --------- *) || Sign[((x1 + n1[[3]] - s).n2[[2]])/Norm[x1 + n1[[3]] - s]] != Sign[((x1 - s).n2[[2]])/Norm[x1 - s]] || Sign[((x1 + n1[[3]] - s).n3[[2]])/Norm[x1 + n1[[3]] - s]] != Sign[((x2 - s).n3[[2]])/Norm[x2 - s]] (* --------- *) || Sign[((x2 + n2[[3]] - s).n3[[2]])/Norm[x2 + n2[[3]] - s]] != Sign[((x2 - s).n3[[2]])/Norm[x2 - s]] || Sign[((x2 + n2[[3]] - s).n1[[2]])/Norm[x2 + n2[[3]] - s]] != Sign[((x3 - s).n1[[2]])/Norm[x3 - s]], recordOutlier[{s, k1, k2, k3}]; False, (* else *) True ]; { { Polygon[{ {s, x1, x1 + n1[[3]], x2}, {s, x2, x2 + n2[[3]], x3}, {s, x3, x3 + n3[[3]], x1}, {p, x3 + n3[[3]], x1, x1 + n1[[3]]}, {p, x1 + n1[[3]], x2, x2 + n2[[3]]}, {p, x2 + n2[[3]], x3, x3 + n3[[3]]} }], {PointSize[0.03], Black, Point[s]}, {PointSize[0.03], Gray, Point[{x1, x2, x3}]}, {PointSize[0.03], Pink, Point[{x1 + n1[[3]], x2 + n2[[3]], x3 + n3[[3]]}]}, {PointSize[0.03], Red, Point[p]} }, Ticks -> Automatic, Axes -> True, AxesLabel -> {"X", "Y", "Z"}, PlotLabel -> If[bCommon, "Common", "Outlier"] } ] ]; Graphics3D @@ g ] /; MatrixQ[{s, k1, k2, k3}, NumericQ] && Dimensions[{s, k1, k2, k3}][[2]] == 3 && (Alternatives @@ Join[s, k1, k2, k3]) \[Element] Reals && bRegion \[Element] Booleans
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